Website Guide

Notes, videos, and resources for maintaining your Squarespace website

Stuck? Email Sara at

Editing Gallery Pages

The video below walks you through the process of editing a gallery page: adding and removing images, reordering images, and adjusting the gallery’s display settings.

Editing Other Pages

The video below shows how to add and reorder blocks on other pages, make changes to text, and apply text formatting.


  • Visit or

    If you’ve forgotten your password, click Can’t Log In? to reset it.

  • From the main Squarespace menu on the left side of your site, click on Design > Site Styles. Here is Squarespace’s helpful guide on making design changes.

  • These banners were set above the navigation using custom code. Please email Sara your change request and she can do it for you!

  • Check out their video library here: Using Squarespace Video Guides

  • I’ll continue to make site changes for you for two months after we launch. After that, I am always available to provide information or make code adjustments. For larger projects, such as adding a new page or website feature, I bill hourly at $85/hour.